Walking Through Prague: Discovering Hidden Treasures During Outdoor Escape Games - Hunter Games
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Walking Through Prague: Discovering Hidden Treasures During Outdoor Escape Games

Young people playing an outdoor escape game in Prague

Welcome to another article in the series “Walking Through Prague” which will take you on a unique adventure combined with outdoor escape games. This fifth installment will offer an unusual perspective on some of the most significant landmarks in Prague that you can discover while playing outdoor escape games. The landmarks we’ve selected for you are all visible along the route of one of the outdoor escape games, so you can explore them while solving puzzles and tasks right in the heart of historic Prague.

If you haven’t read the previous articles yet, feel free to check out the first part, second part, third part, and fourth part, where you can learn more about the fascinating adventures and historical gems of Prague.

In this article, we’ll focus on lesser-known but equally interesting details about the Astronomical Clock, the Church of Our Lady Before Týn, the Old Town Square, the Estates Theatre, and the Karolinum. These insights are not commonly available, allowing you to see Prague from a completely new perspective and enrich your outdoor escape game experience.

Why Are Outdoor Escape Games So Popular?

Outdoor escape games combine adventure, teamwork, and puzzle-solving with the opportunity to explore historical landmarks. During the game, you will visit places that are often overlooked and discover interesting historical contexts that you might otherwise miss. This interactive way of exploring the city allows you to see Prague in a completely new light and make your visit unforgettable.

Astronomical Clock

Flood Protection

The Astronomical Clock, one of Prague’s most famous symbols, is known for its resistance to floods. When the clock was constructed in 1410, its designers were aware of Prague’s frequent flooding. Therefore, they designed it so that its key mechanisms were elevated above potential flood levels. In the basement of the town hall, where the clock is located, there are even special channels that divert water in case of floods. These channels are still functional and have been used several times, for instance, during the major floods of 2002.

Ptolemaic Astronomical Model

The Astronomical Clock is one of the few clock mechanisms in the world that uses the Ptolemaic geocentric model. This model, which was already outdated at the time of its creation, depicts the Earth as the center of the universe, with other planets orbiting around it. The clock’s mechanism shows the positions of the Sun and the Moon relative to the Earth, which is very unique. The Ptolemaic model was chosen not for its accuracy but rather for its historical value and as a demonstration of the contemporary understanding of the cosmos.

Detailed view of the astronomical clock on the Orloj in Prague

Complex Calendar Mechanism

The Astronomical Clock is not just a timepiece; it includes a complex calendar mechanism that tracks movable holidays. This calendar mechanism, designed by Mikuláš of Kadaň, includes special disks that move daily to show the current date, moon phases, and zodiac positions. What is less known is that the Orloj also contains a system that calculates Easter based on a complex cyclical algorithm.

Significance of the Figures

The Orloj features four main figures: the Grim Reaper, the Turk, the Vanity, and the Miser. Each has a symbolic meaning. The Grim Reaper, holding an hourglass, reminds us that time relentlessly flows and death awaits everyone. The Turk symbolizes the fear of the Ottoman Empire, which threatened Central Europe at the time. The Vanity, holding a mirror, symbolizes vanity and pride, while the Miser, clutching a bag of money, represents greed and materialism. These figures were chosen to reflect the moral challenges of the society at that time.

Golden dial of the Prague Orloj with historical figures and details

Timekeeping Precision

Despite its age, the Astronomical Clock is surprisingly accurate. Upon its creation, it was considered a technological marvel. The clock’s mechanism, which includes intricate systems of gears and shafts, can measure time with precision to the nearest few seconds. This precision was achieved thanks to advanced design and careful calibration that was performed several times a day. The clock also includes an astrolabe, which shows the movements of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere, considered one of the most precise medieval instruments of its kind.


Church of Our Lady Before Týn

Twin Towers with Distinct Design

The Church of Our Lady Before Týn is famous for its two towers, which have distinct designs. The southern tower is significantly larger than the northern one, symbolizing the duality of masculine and feminine principles. This asymmetry is not just an aesthetic decision but also has practical significance. The larger tower served as the main bell tower, while the smaller tower was used as a lookout tower. This division allowed for better distribution of the sound signal and provided a better view of the surrounding areas.

Church of Our Lady before Týn on the Old Town Square in Prague at dusk

Gothic Relics

Inside the Church of Our Lady Before Týn, there are many valuable Gothic relics that are not commonly accessible to the public. These include rare statues and tombstones from the 14th century, which have been carefully preserved. For example, the tombstone of Jan Rokycana, a significant Czech preacher and Hussite theologian, is hidden in one of the side chapels and is accessible only on special occasions. These relics were often hidden and preserved thanks to the care of monks who protected them from destruction during the Hussite wars and later periods of religious unrest.

Unique Altar Painting

The main altar painting in the Church of Our Lady Before Týn, created by the famous Renaissance painter Karel Škréta, is considered a masterpiece. This painting, titled “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary,” depicts the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels and saints. The painting is not only an artistic treasure but also an important symbol of the Czech Republic’s religious heritage. Škréta was commissioned to create this work in recognition of his artistic talent and deep piety.

Importance for the Hussite Movement

The Church of Our Lady Before Týn played a key role during the Hussite movement in the 15th century. It was a center of Hussite activities and a place where important religious ceremonies and meetings were held. The church was often used for sermons by Jan Hus and his followers, who spread their ideas about church reform. The Church of Our Lady Before Týn became a symbol of resistance against the Catholic Church, and its significance extends beyond the borders of the Czech Republic, influencing the entire European Reformation movement.

Church of Our Lady before Týn in Prague illuminated by night lights

Octagonal Chapel

On the southern side of the Church of Our Lady Before Týn is a lesser-known octagonal chapel, one of the oldest preserved Romanesque elements in Prague. This chapel, dedicated to St. Adalbert, was built in the 12th century and is significant for its unique architecture and frescoes depicting scenes from the life of St. Adalbert. The chapel was often used as a place for private prayers by noble families and is today accessible only during special tours.


Old Town Square

Hidden Execution Site History

The Old Town Square is known for its rich history, but few people know that it was the site of the execution of 27 Czech nobles after the Battle of White Mountain in 1621. The execution took place on a specially constructed wooden scaffold, which was quickly removed after the event. The execution site is now marked by a small memorial, but the details of this tragic day are less known. The execution was a public event, witnessed by thousands of people, and was intended as a warning against rebellion against the Habsburg monarchy.

Panoramatic view of Old Town Square in Prague

Medieval Underground

Underneath the Old Town Square are extensive underground spaces dating back to the medieval period. These spaces were used as storage, shelters, and even prisons. In some parts of the underground, traces of original stone stairs and rooms that were used as storage for merchants who had their stalls on the square are still visible. Access to these spaces is possible only during special tours that reveal the secrets of these long-forgotten places.

Original Paving Stones

Part of the paving on the Old Town Square dates back to the 14th century. This paving has been carefully preserved and complemented with new stones that faithfully replicate the original pattern. It is one of the few places where you can literally walk on a medieval path. Upon closer examination, you can find various signs and engravings in the paving created by the craftsmen and merchants of the time as signs of their shops and guilds.

John Hus memorial in Prague

Astronomical Indicators

On the Old Town Square, there are several astronomical indicators that were used to measure time and track the movement of stars. One of them is a meridian, used to measure solar time and determine noon. The meridian is located near the Astronomical Clock and is marked in the paving as a thin line that you can see if you look closely.

Revolutionary Gatherings

The Old Town Square was often a site of political gatherings and revolutions. In 1848, demonstrations took place here during the so-called Prague Uprising, which was part of a broader European revolutionary movement. During these gatherings, revolutionaries met here to discuss the future of Europe. The square thus became a place not only for commercial activities but also for political debates that had a significant impact on the history of all of Europe.


Estates Theatre

Unique Acoustics

The Estates Theatre is one of the few theatres in Europe that has preserved its original acoustics from the 18th century. The acoustics are so perfect that even without microphones, every whisper from the stage can be heard to the last row, which is still impressive today. The acoustics of the theater were designed to provide an optimal sound experience without the need for modern technological enhancements.

Mozart’s Private Box

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had his own box in the Estates Theatre, from which he watched the premiere of his opera Don Giovanni. This box is still preserved today and can be seen during theatre tours. The box is located on the second balcony on the right side of the auditorium and is marked with a commemorative plaque. Mozart’s box was considered a prestigious place from which the composer could watch the audience’s reactions and enjoy his own work.

nterior of the Estates Theatre in Prague with rich decorations and chandeliers

Significant Political Role

The Estates Theatre was the site of many important political events. In 1848, it hosted sessions of the Reichstag, which discussed new laws and reforms during the revolutionary period. The theatre thus became not only a center of cultural life but also a place of political debates and decisions that influenced the future of all of Europe. During the sessions, issues such as freedom of the press, equality before the law, and the abolition of feudal rights were discussed.

Underground Passages

Underneath the theatre is an extensive system of underground passages that were used not only for the transport of scenery and actors but also as a shelter during wartime conflicts. These passages are now largely inaccessible to the public, but their history is fascinating. The passages were used not only during performances but also during various crisis situations, such as bombings during World War II. Today, they serve as storage spaces and technical facilities for the theatre.

Exterior of the Estates Theatre in Prague with neoclassical architecture

Renovation During Occupation

During the Nazi occupation, extensive renovations were carried out at the theatre, financed by German funds. The renovations aimed to improve the theatre for the German audience and were overseen by German architects. These renovations included the modernization of technical facilities, improvement of acoustics, and reconstruction of the interior to adapt the theatre to the needs of Nazi propaganda. After the war, some of these modifications were removed to restore the theatre’s original Czech character.



Home of the University Library

In the 15th century, the Karolinum housed one of the oldest university libraries in Europe. This library contained many rare manuscripts and books, which were later transferred to the Clementinum. As a center of education and culture, the Karolinum played a key role in the dissemination of knowledge and academic research. The library was equipped with rare manuscripts in the fields of natural sciences, philosophy, and theology, acquired through the university’s extensive contacts with other European institutions.

Hidden Gothic Chapel

The Karolinum houses a lesser-known Gothic chapel that was long hidden behind newer Baroque modifications. This chapel, dedicated to St. Barbara, was discovered only during renovations in the 20th century and is significant for its unique architecture and rich decorations. The chapel is adorned with frescoes depicting scenes from the life of St. Barbara and other biblical themes. The frescoes were long hidden under layers of plaster, and their discovery was a significant event for Czech heritage conservation.

Karolinum in Prague during daylight with historical buildings and street lamps

Political Assemblies

In 1618, a key political assembly took place here that led to the so-called Bohemian Revolt. This assembly was one of the main triggers for the Thirty Years’ War, which had a profound impact on the history of all of Europe. The estates met here to discuss the possibilities of defending against Habsburg absolutism and planned the defenestration of the emperor’s representatives. This event had far-reaching consequences and is considered one of the key moments in Czech history.

University Hospital

During the Middle Ages, the Karolinum also served as a university hospital where students and professors were treated. This hospital was equipped with the modern medical equipment of its time and played a key role in the development of medicine in Bohemia. The hospital provided healthcare not only to the university community but also to the general public and was known for its advanced treatment methods and medical research. Doctors from the Karolinum were often called upon to treat prominent figures and the royal court.

Night view of the Karolinum in Prague with historical lighting and surrounding buildings

Original Wall Paintings

In some parts of the Karolinum, original wall paintings from the 14th century, depicting scenes from the everyday life of medieval students, have been preserved to this day. These paintings are among the oldest surviving examples of university art in Europe and provide valuable insights into life at the university at that time. The paintings depict activities such as teaching, exams, and even leisure activities of students, allowing us to look into the past and understand what life and study were like at one of the oldest universities in Europe.


Prague is a city full of history and mysteries waiting to be discovered. Outdoor escape games offer you a unique opportunity to explore this fascinating city in a completely new way. Take advantage of this chance and discover places you may know, but have never realized their hidden secrets. If you’re interested in learning more about other historical treasures of Prague, don’t forget to read the previous articles in the “Walking Through Prague” series.


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